The Visionary’s Manifesto in association with heART of Cool Presents Eric Simms creator of The Visionary’s Manifesto The Evolution “Up Close and Personal”
After months of writing and interviewing some of the most iconic visionaries that Cristen and I could find, asking them to expose their inner-most feelings and heartfelt challenges – I guess it has come full circle to me being the one in the so-called hot seat. I can be honest and say that this introspective article about my life, thoughts and challenges was at the behest of Cristen Mills the creator of heART of Cool, someone who I have come to love and respect in a deep universal manner. So without further delay I guess the best way to begin is to go bold or go home and leap off of the proverbial cliff!
To begin, I grew up in a very small town located in Ohio and I was the guy who had friends across the spectrum to include the brainiacs and the jocks. I learned to appreciate both and I can say it was more or less easy because I was always somewhat of an independent spirit finding each individual to be a person of value. I learned to accept people from all walks of life from an early age, a lesson that I adopted from my dear departed mother and being the youngest of eight siblings also taught me how to feel comfortable around different personalities. Okay so enough about my youth let’s move into the more adult phase of my journey so that I can give you some perspectives that hit more to the core of the man I am becoming.
Whenever someone asks me what is the most important lesson that I have learned there is one phrase that pops up in my mind, “to know true love is to know true pain.” The reason is because it wasn’t until I lost what I felt at the time was the most important thing in my life that I experienced a never-ending pain deep within my spirit. I remember thinking that it would never end and that somehow, I would force my way through it and gain a deeper sense of what it meant to be responsible for one’s feelings and emotions. I would never again take for granted the power of love and my ability to give and receive it in an intimate way. I wanted to see people and things in a new way and not just as objects passing through this life with no real purpose. I knew early on that I wanted to stand for something meaningful and inherently good and I wanted to challenge myself to go outside of my comfort zone and experience those things that I thought required more education, experience, knowledge of self beyond what I had accomplished at the time. I knew how precious and fleeting this life we are blessed with can suddenly disappear because I had lost people who were older and younger than myself, my strength and perseverance would come from the life-giving energies and stories of those who either were going through or had overcome challenges that could have left them broken.
I have worn many hats that bore huge responsibilities, I made mistakes and I manifested great strides within the context of living a life of quality and valuing those that I lead along the way. Those experiences seem to ebb and flow in a sort of continuum where the meanings of success vs. failure creates sort of a paradox within a given mindset but suffice it to say that you have to own the fact that you deserve to live free and it is from that viewpoint you can allow yourself to accept the greatness you were placed on this planet to bring about. We are beings who can only be bound by the ropes we place around our latent abilities and once we allow ourselves to reach a higher level of consciousness we will evolve.
The Visionary’s Manifesto was a cognitive thought process that I envisioned to include every narrative I have put forth thus far, it was my idea to find those people who had manifested the courage to step outside of the societal norms and begin to forge a better way forward. I wanted to tell their stories of challenge and triumph, love and loss, death and life of self. My intentions were to lay out their collective experiences in a sort of blueprint that could be used to guide others towards their own great destinies. So every article and interview that I perform is created with my highest self in collaboration with the intended, in hopes that we can embrace someone with a sense of purpose.
Listen, I am not unique in my journey as I think of myself as a student of life, love and yes the pursuit of intrinsic happiness. I want to experience the greatest of loves because I now know what it means to cherish and cultivate that which I have been blessed with, I want to build with a collective of consciously aware individuals based on pure high vibrational energies and then focus that energy towards affecting an even greater number of individuals until the movement encompasses the globe in a universal spiritual way.
In closing I want to create a legacy that speaks to the beauty of the man I am becoming with a life full of interesting and resonating experiences. I also want to go deeper within and in all honesty thank you the individual readers and viewers for opening your hearts and minds and virtual ears to receive my honest interpretations of what I feel is good and true, raw and honest but laced with the best intentions to help others overcome and grow. I love you all with a spirit of giving and I look forward to what the future holds as we journey forth together because I desire to keep experiencing the best of who we are as beautiful creative powerful beings on this plane of existence.
To learn more about the evolution of Eric Simms please follow my work on Facebook at Eric Simms, Instagram at Dreamer4all and to view my heartfelt interviews and articles please visit and look under The Visionary’s Manifesto for all of my published articles.