Today the El Nino weather broke and the fog was burned away momentarily by the sun. The sun brightly shined and this 60 degree day on the last day of January, brought a smile to my face. The sun beaming was just the reminder I needed to alert me that spring is just around the corner. Northern California so desperately starved for sunshine, we all needed vitamin D! As you can imagine cold, foggy or even chili weather makes you want to…
- eat comfort food,
- layer up on clothes and
- forget about being a fashionista.
Don’t fall for the weather blues trap! I promise you something new is well on the way, so use the days during these last winter days to get inspired! Things will soon be in full bloom. And with the month wrapping up and sunny days being around the corner, I’m ready for us to spring into Spring to be honest!
My favorite look this Spring 2016 is showing off the shoulder. Whether it is completely bare on your left and right side, a sexy simple cut out or deconstructed look, we can get into it. Making a huge come back this year, you will see shoulders showing everywhere. Believe me, I’ve been going through my favorite looks with scissors in hand asking can I cut this? But really, cut it up and and cut it out; whatever you do, bare your shoulders.
Show them, highlight them, accentuate them or shrug them… its shoulder shine time. Below,, you will see a few of my favorites.
“All the Cool Things”
-Valarie Barnett, HOC Contributor