Have you ever heard a voice so unique and beautifully piercing that it almost seemed unreal? Well, that is how I feel about Julia Michaels‘ voice on her latest single, “Issues“. Captivating, rare and magically undefined, Michaels’ voice serenades us as she makes an important and wise mention about love.

When we love someone, we cannot just love the gushy, amazing and incredible aspects of that person. We have to love all of them – flaws and all. And we have to love them unconditionally and with no judgement as everyone has issues and situations that need a little bit of loving through.

We all are on this journey called LIFE. And love is a beautiful remedy to the pain and chaos life can bring. In fact – we can love each other through our issues that develop from various adversity we face.

So perhaps, love should be more about figuring out which set of issues you are willing to deal with as you love your partner through without committing suicide yourself of course.

So check out Michaels’ music video directed by Tabitha Denholm and produced by Peter Williams and let us know what you think!

Writing ‘Issues’ came at a very important time for Michaels as a song-writer, “You get so used to hiding behind people. I’ve been doing it for so long. You kind of lose who you are after a little bit, and you forget that you have a voice and that your voice is powerful, no matter who you are. And I think that you wake up one day, and that insecure side of you that tells you that you’re not good enough gets a little quieter. And you think, ‘Okay, I need to do this.‘”

❤️Love & Light☀️,